Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Catharsis of blogging

Yes it does actually work sometimes. I recommend it. I've posted a few times on personal issues that I deal with, for example here, here and my mission statement that I keep going back to and reading because it helps. Truth is, I think I am still pretty anonymous, though I'm not 100% sure anymore.

As well as the ability to get things off my chest, without having to feel overly embarrassed, I have also been blessed with many encouraging comments. Guys, you are my confessional. My Priest, Rabbi, Imam all rolled into one. You give me strength when I am weak and pick me up when I fall.

I know that if I can overcome one or two of the more vicious vices in my life, I can go some way to fulfilling my potential and really making a difference. As Pirkey Avot says, you can never know the long-term effect of one constructive comment, a kind word, smiling at someone, helping them. So keep them coming and thanks.



At 4/20/2005 9:54 PM, Blogger Chai18 said...

"My Priest, Rabbi, Imam all rolled into one."

i wonder what religoin that would make us??

At 4/22/2005 6:10 AM, Blogger TRK said...

All believing in one G-d and Torat Moshe at least!


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