Thursday, May 11, 2006

What's wrong with "The Apprentice"?

Well, apart from the fact that I am always concerned that whatever nests in the Donald's hair will wake up, sprout wings and fly away, there is plenty wrong. I mean it.

The show is fascinating, an insight to a world many out there have little or no connection with. A world of might means right, money talks, power is the answer.

There have been occasions when the Donald has been on the verge of evicting someone, but that person effectively argues back and places the blame on someone else, who gets the proverbial boot.

As a believing G-d fearing Jew (well, most of the time) I hope I can contribute my two cents. I can stand up and say "Zeh lo haderech", this is not the way. We do not want to reward aggressiveness, pushiness, back-stabbing. We shouldn't be working for our asset-strippers, our insurance companies, Big Tobacco and their lackeys.

If the halachos of Onaah, Hasagas Gevul, and the rest of Choshen Mishpat have taught me anything (and they probably haven't), it's that this is not how we want society to function. Those of us who care, need to say no. We need to walk away from the temptations, the good money earned the wrong way. There is a better way, a godly way, a way to contribute to society and earn a living without trampling on people, ruining their lives, stabbing rivals in the back.

There must be. So help me G-d. We can't let the Donald win.



At 5/11/2006 1:41 PM, Blogger FrumGirl said...

Oh the hair... yikes, lol.

Business can be ruthless. The end justifies the means, remember? That is Golus Edom... the ruthlessness. It is idealistic to believe that as jews we are above it. I know many are. But then again there are gentiles out there that are too. I suppose it all goes back to the psychology of it all. It is a great goal to strive for but we have no choice but to let "The Donald" win, we are playing in a game were we did not make the rules.... It is called Golus.

Isn't it amazing Lee is still on the show... Go Lee!

At 5/12/2006 3:33 AM, Blogger exsemgirl said...

There are two ways of succeeding.
Either at your own merit or at pushing everyone down so you stand out. Sad that the latter should be so widely encourage.

Yet so is the way of the outside world...

At 5/12/2006 5:06 AM, Blogger Jewboy said...

I'm glad to see someone else express what I've thought about "The Apprentice" for awhile. This show epitomizes values that we as Jews should not strive for.

At 5/14/2006 7:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I take it you're not watching Ha Shagrir

At 5/14/2006 8:05 AM, Blogger TRK said...


I don't think it's on here, but I remember hearing/reading about it - didn't it finish already? is it worse than the Donald?

At 5/17/2006 6:12 AM, Blogger anonym00kie said...

shulem, your comments are really sad. maybe the world is a rough place, but how does that give a jew the right to act accordingly? the world is a very sick place, animalstic, materially-focused, selfish, with all kinds of inapropriate temptations, and our goal is to fight that. if your society is being supported by crooked ruthless businessman than you should wonder about the value of your community. Survival of the fittest is a law of the jungle, g-d made us humans, with the ability to choose right from wrong- even where money is concerned.

At 5/17/2006 10:33 AM, Blogger anonym00kie said...

Tha Rabbi's kid, i just wanted to thank you. Ive had to make a big professional decision for the past few days, and ive been tormenting myself over it, and this morning i read your post, and i want to tell you that its helped me come to a decision - a positive, ethical (not so easy) decision. thanks!

At 5/17/2006 11:26 AM, Blogger FrumGirl said...

Disregard ... anyway does this mean we actually have a debate going on?

At 5/18/2006 8:00 AM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

Lee., the biggest backstabber of them all...

At 5/18/2006 8:02 AM, Blogger Jewboy said...

Shulem-I don't think the Rabbi's kid was trying to condemn those who earn a lving. Nothing wrong with working, it's just better for Jews not to be crooked businessmen. We have Choshen Mishpat for a reason.

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